16. Representative Series Sentence -Two Part

My sentence:

He spent all of his time in his head, none in the search for his soul.

Equality of race, for me, is an absolute, allowing no opinion, allowing only certainty.

Other Examples:

"Not one jot of Ahab's broad madness had been left behind, but in that broad madness not one jot of his great natural intellect had perished."

Herman Melville, Moby Dick the White Whale

Even though he is no longer quite sane having become obsessed with the killing of Moby Dick, Ahab has not lost any of his intelligence.

"To ensure the greatest efficiency in the dart, the harpooners of this world must start to their feet from out of idleness and not from out of toil."

Herman Melville, Moby Dick the White Whale

Melville criticizes the common whaling practice that required the harpooner to not only take part in the exhausting rowing of the dinghy as it chased the whale, but then to accurately throw the heavy dart up to twenty or thirty feet.